Cross Fit Studio unlike other Gyms believes Weight Loss/Gain is much beyond just the Weighing Scale Measurements. We consider Weight Gain as Muscle Gain as it's totally waste to gain Fat in order to Gain Weight. Vice Versa, Weight loss as the Fat Loss as it's unhealthy to loose Muscles as it gives us Strength and Proper Physique. Weight Loss/Gain depends significantly on the Diet which you intake apart from the Training. Hence, Here at Cross Fit Studio, We Provide you a Personal Diet Plan by our Certified Dietician based on all the important Nutrients such as Proteins, Carbohydrates, Healthy Fats, Fibres, Minerals & Vitamins according to your goal and Body Metabolism.
Cross Fit Studio which is awarded the 'Best Gym of Patna' recognises that the duration to achieve your Fitness Goal is significant. Hence , We have introduced Guaranteed Weight Loss/Gain Plans for all of you.We ensures your Fitness Goal to be accomplished in the limited time.